Results for 'Human Fetal Tissue'

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  1.  9
    2 5 Ethics, Public Policy.Human Fetal Tissue - forthcoming - Bioethics: Basic Writings on the Key Ethical Questions That Surround the Major, Modern Biological Possibilities and Problems.
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    The use of human fetal tissue: scientific, ethical, and policy concerns (January 1990).W. de VawterKearney, K. G. Gervais, A. L. Caplan, D. Garry & C. Tauer - 1990 - Journal International de Bioethique= International Journal of Bioethics 2 (3):189-196.
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    The ethics of using human fetal tissue--a response to Burtchaell: I.Benjamin Freedman - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 10 (6):1-4.
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    Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research and Elective Abortion.Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez & James E. Reagan - 1998 - Journal of Social Philosophy 29 (1):5-19.
  5. Ethics, Public Policy, and Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research.James F. Childress - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (2):93-121.
    This article focuses on the deliberations of the National Institutes of Health Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research Panel in 1988. It explores various arguments for and against the use of fetal tissue for transplantation research, following elective abortion, and for and against the use of federal funds for such research. After examining the relevance of various positions on the moral status of the fetus and the morality of abortion, the article critically examines charges that such (...)
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    On transplanting human fetal tissue: Presumptive duties and the task of casuistry.Richard B. Miller - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (6):617-640.
    The procurement of fetal tissue for transplantation may promise great benefit to those suffering from various pathologies, e.g., neural disorders, diabetes, renal problems, and radiation sickness. However, debates about the use of fetal tissue have proceeded without much attention to ethical theory and application. Two broad moral questions are addressed here, the first formal, the second substantive: Is there a framework from other moral paradigms to assist in ethical debates about the transplantation of fetal (...)? Does the use of fetal tissue entail cooperation in abortion? To answer these questions I develop a theoretical framework by combining the paradigm of just-war reasoning with canons governing the use of cadaverous tissue. The kinds of safeguards provided by this paradigm allow fetal tissue to be procured without the taint of association with abortion. Central to solving the problem of cooperation is the distinction between intending and foreseeing a moral misdeed. Fetal researchers may foresee fetal death in elective abortions without intending such deaths to occur. Thus, even those who object unequivocally to elective abortion may condone the procurement of fetal tissue, if sufficient reason exists. Keywords: fetal tissue, casuistry, prima facie duties, just-war tenets, complicity CiteULike Connotea What's this? (shrink)
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    Pharaoh’s Magicians: The Ethics and Efficacy of Human Fetal Tissue Transplants.Robert Barry & Darrel Kesler - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):575-607.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PHARAOH'S.MAGICIANS: THE ETHICS AND EFFICA:CY OF HUMAN FETAiL TISSUE TRANSPLANTS ROBERT BARRY, O.P. Program for the Study of Religion University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana DARREL KESLER Department of Animal Sciences University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. IN RECENT YEARS increasing attention ha;s been given to v:rurious types of scientific riese,arch involving the human fetus. In the 1970s, :a tremendous amount of concern was expres1 sed IJ.'egiaroing the fetus,a;.s a (...)
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    An Evolutionary-Ecofeminist Perspective on Xeno- and Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation.Ronnie Hawkins - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:39-45.
    The ecofeminist critique of dualism is applied to a consideration of two alternative paths that we might take in transplantation medicine: the utilization of organs and tissues taken from nonhuman animals, and/or further development of techniques for employing human organs and tissues, including human fetal tissue. It is concluded that from an evolutionary perspective, the assumption of a vast value disparity between human and nonhuman life is untenable, and from a moral point of view the (...)
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    Ethical and governance challenges in human fetal tissue research.S. Woods & K. Taylor - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (1):14-19.
    Genetics holds the key to understanding normal human biology and possibly many of the major causes of human disease and impairment. Research into human developmental genetics seems, therefore, to be both necessary and justified. However, such research requires the use of embryonic and fetal tissue obtained from spontaneous abortions and elective termination of pregnancy. This paper examines the arguments in favour of using tissue from elective terminations and the evolution of regulatory frameworks for this (...)
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  10.  21
    An IRB-approved protocol on the use of human fetal tissue.Robert J. Levine - 1988 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 11 (2):7-8.
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    Fetal tissue transplantation: can it be morally insulated from abortion?C. Strong - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):70-76.
    Ethical controversy over transplantation of human fetal tissue has arisen because the source of tissue is induced abortions. Opposition to such transplants has been based on various arguments, including the following: rightful informed consent cannot be obtained for use of fetal tissue from induced abortions, and fetal tissue transplantation might result in an increase in the number of abortions. These arguments were not accepted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Human (...)
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    A Response to Burtchaell: I: The Ethics of Using Human Fetal Tissue.Benjamin Freedman - 1988 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 10 (6):1.
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    The Effect on Researchers of Handling Human Fetal Tissue.Vivianne de Vahl Davis, Stewart M. Dunn & Bernard E. Tuch - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):319-326.
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    The Psychological and Moral Consequences of Participating in Human Fetal-Tissue Research.Stuart J. Youngner - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):356-358.
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    Fetal Tissue Research and the Misread Compromise.Warren Kearney - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (5):7-12.
    The bill to restore federal funding for human fetal tissue research has been passed by the House and awaits Senate approval. But it requires women who are willing to donate fetal tissue to certify that they did not have an abortion with the intent to donate. It further requires researchers to keep the certifications on file and available for government audit. Both requirements spell trouble.
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    The Ethics of Fetal Tissue Transplants.Alan Fine - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (3):5-8.
    The prospect for widespread therapeutic use of human fetal tissues has aroused strong emotions and prompted several objections. Fetal tissue transplantation circumscribed by medical and moral limits will not erode important ethical values, but the pace of scientific research must not preempt public debate and a verdict consistent with societal values.
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  17. Fetal Tissue Research.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (1):81-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fetal Tissue ResearchMary Carrington Coutts (bio)I. IntroductionThe use of tissue from fetal remains for transplantation and biomedical research has become a controversial issue in recent years, involving scientists, doctors, patients, and the federal government. Fetal tissue is potentially useful in a wide range of treatments for a number of serious diseases, some of them affecting millions of people. Despite the promise, transplantation research (...)
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    Attitudes of women to fetal tissue research.F. Anderson, A. Glasier, J. Ross & D. T. Baird - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (1):36-40.
    The use of human fetal tissue for scientific research has enormous potential but is subject to government legislation. In the United Kingdom the Polkinghorne Committee's guidelines were accepted by the Department of Health in 1990. These guidelines set out to protect women undergoing termination of pregnancy from exploitation but in so doing may significantly restrict potential research. Although the committee took evidence from a wide variety of experts they did not seek the views of the general public. (...)
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    Human IVF, Embryo Research, Fetal Tissue for Research and Treatment, and Abortion: International Information.Ruth Curson - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):105-106.
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    Ethical guidance on human embryonic and fetal tissue transplantation: A European overview.G. de Wert, R. L. P. Berghmans, G. J. Boer, S. Andersen, B. Brambati, A. S. Carvalho, K. Dierickx, S. Elliston, P. Nunez, W. Osswald & M. Vicari - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (1):79-90.
    This article presents an overview ofregulations, guidelines and societal debates ineight member states of the EC about a)embryonic and fetal tissue transplantation(EFTT), and b) the use of human embryonic stemcells (hES cells) for research into celltherapy, including `therapeutic' cloning. Thereappears to be a broad acceptance of EFTT inthese countries. In most countries guidance hasbeen developed. There is a `strong' consensusabout some of the central conditions for `goodclinical practice' regarding EFTT.International differences concern, amongstothers, some of the informed consent (...)
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  21.  30
    The Ethical Options In Transplanting Fetal Tissue.Mary B. Mahowald, Jerry Silver & Robert A. Ratcheson - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (1):9-15.
    Fetal tissue transplants have now been successful in primates, raising the possibility of treatment for Parkinson's disease and other chronic illnesses. Whether or not abortion is morally justified, use of human fetal tissue for research or therapy is justified in certain circumstances. The rationale, both for permitting transplantation of fetal tissue and for limitations in exercising the technology, is based on the same set of ethical principles that supported restrictive legislation in the past: (...)
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  22. Overturning the Moratorium on Fetal Tissue Research.Bette-Jane Crigger - forthcoming - IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
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    The ethics of fetal tissue grafting should be considered along with the science.Keith A. Crutcher - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):53-54.
    In addition to the scientific and medical issues surrounding the use of fetal tissue transplants, the ethical implications should be considered. Two major ethical issues are relevant. The first of these is whether this experimental procedure can be justified on the basis of potential benefit to the patient. The second is whether the use of tissue obtained from intentionally aborted fetuses can be justified in the context of historical and existing guidelines for the protection of human (...)
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    The Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Research: A Rebuttal.James Tunstead Burtchaell - 1989 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 11 (2):9.
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    At the Margins of Humanity: Fetal Positions in Science and Medicine.Monica J. Casper - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (3):307-323.
    This article offers a comparative analysis of experimental fetal surgery and fetal tissue research. The author argues that fetuses are positioned differently across each set of practices, with significant implications for actors in these domains. By empirically charting the ways in which humanity is or is not attributed to fetal work objects, the author's argument challenges contemporary debates in science studies that tend to conceptualize human and nonhuman in dualistic terms. This analysis instead shows the (...)
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    Rights, Symbolism, and Public Policy in Fetal Tissue Transplants.John A. Robertson - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (6):5-12.
    The architecture of the fetal tissue transplant controversy is similar to that of many bioethical debates, with a novel twist because of the contested status of the fetus and abortion. Respect for the needs of sick patients appears to conflict with respect for prenatal human life and larger societal concems.
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    Abortion and Fetal Tissue Transplantation.Douglas K. Martin - 1993 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 15 (3):1.
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    "Commentary on" Abortion and fetal tissue transplantation.Dorothy E. Vawter & Karen G. Gervais - 1992 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 15 (3):4-5.
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    University Policy on Experimental Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue.Burtchaell James Tunstead - 1988 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 10 (4):7.
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    A Response to Burtchaell: II: Fetal Tissue Transplant Research Is Ethical.John A. Robertson - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 10 (6):5.
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    Bill to Resume Federal Funding of Fetal Tissue Transplantation Is Damaging to Women.Dorothy E. Vawter, Karen G. Gervais & Warren Kearney - 1991 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 13 (5):11.
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    Some practical and theoretical issues concerning fetal brain tissue grafts as therapy for brain dysfunctions.Donald G. Stein & Marylou M. Glasier - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):36-45.
    Grafts of embryonic neural tissue into the brains of adult patients are currently being used to treat Parkinson's disease and are under serious consideration as therapy for a variety of other degenerative and traumatic disorders. This target article evaluates the use of transplants to promote recovery from brain injury and highlights the kinds of questions and problems that must be addressed before this form of therapy is routinely applied. It has been argued that neural transplantation can promote functional recovery (...)
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  33.  9
    Bioethics and the Fetus.James M. Humber & Robert F. Almeder (eds.) - 1991 - Humana Press.
    Who has more rights-the mother or the fetus? Interdisciplinary in scope and character, this latest volume of Humana's classic series, Biomedical Ethics Reviews, focuses on the complex moral and legal problems involving human fetal life. Each article in Bioethics and the Fetus provides an up-to-date review of the literature and advances bioethical discussion in its field. The authors have avoided much of the technical jargon of philosophy and medicine in order to speak directly to a broad and general (...)
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    Benefiting from 'evil': An incipient moral problem in human stem cell research.Ronald M. Green - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):544–556.
    When does benefiting from others’ wrongdoing effectively make one a moral accomplice in their evil deeds? If stem cell research lives up to its therapeutic promise, this question (which has previously cropped up in debates over fetal tissue research or the use of Nazi research data) is likely to become a central one for opponents of embryo destruction. I argue that benefiting from wrongdoing is prima facie morally wrong under any of three conditions: (1) when the wrongdoer is (...)
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    Ethical issues in neurografting of human embryonic cells.G. J. Boer - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (5):461-475.
    During the last decade neurotransplantation has developed into a technique with the possible potential to repair damaged or degenerating human brain. Effective neurotransplantation has so far been based on the use of fetal brain tissue derived from aborted embryos or fetuses. The ethical issues related to this new therapeutic approach therefore not only concern the possible adverse side effects for a neural graft-receiving patient, but also the relationship between the requirements for fetal tissue and the (...)
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    At the Vortex of Controversy: Developing Guidelines for Human Embryo Research.Ronald M. Green - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (4):345-356.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:At the Vortex of Controversy:Developing Guidelines for Human Embryo ResearchRonald M. Green (bio)Because of the unavoidable time delay between the submission and publication of this article, its readers will have a significant advantage over its writer: You will know whether the recommendations of the Report of the Human Embryo Research Panel, on which I have served as a member since its inception in January of this year, (...)
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    The history and status of dopamine cell therapies for Parkinson's disease.Roger A. Barker, Anders Björklund & Malin Parmar - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400118.
    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the loss of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway which has led to the successful development of drug therapies that replace or stimulate this network pharmacologically. Although these drugs work well in the early stages of the disease, over time they produce side effects along with less consistent clinical benefits to the person with Parkinson's (PwP). As such there has been much interest in repairing this pathway using transplants of dopamine neurons. This work which began 50 (...)
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  38. Stem cell research: A target article collection part I - Jordan's Banks, a view from the first years of human embryonic stem cell research.Laurie Zoloth - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):3 – 11.
    This essay will address the ethical issues that have emerged in the first considerations of the newly emerging stem cell technology. Many of us in the field of bioethics were deliberating related issues as we first learned of the new science and confronted the ethical issues it raised. In this essay, I will draw on the work of colleagues who were asked to reflect on early stages of the research (members of the IRBs, the Geron Ethicist Advisory Board, and the (...)
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    Placebos that harm: Sham surgery controls in clinical trials.Alex London - unknown
    Recent debates over the use of sham surgery as a control for studies of fetal tissue transplantation for Parkinson’s disease have focused primarily on rival interpretations of the US federal regulations governing human-subjects research. Using the core ethical and methodological considerations that underwrite the equipoise requirement, we nd strong prima facie reasons against using sham surgery as a control in studies of cellular-based therapies for Parkinson’s disease and more broadly in clinical research. Additionally, we believe that these (...)
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  40. “Abortion: The Persistent Debate and its Implications for Stem Cell Research.”.Vincent Samar - 2009 - Journal of Law and Family Studies 11:133-55.
    More than thirty-four years after the United States Supreme Court initially recognized a woman’s constitutional right to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy (at least within the first two trimesters) in its landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade, the issue of whether women ought to have this right continues to affect public debate. Presidential candidates are asked about the issue, and potential Supreme Court nominees and their prior judicial decisions, academic writings, and speeches are thoroughly scrutinized for any (...)
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    Neural fetal tissue transplants: Old and new issues.Lois Margaret Nora & Mary B. Mahowald - 1996 - Zygon 31 (4):615-632.
    Neural fetal tissue transplantation offers promise as a treatment for devasting neurologic conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Two types of issues arise from this procedure: those associated with the use of fetuses, and those associated with the use of neural tissue. The former issues have been examined in many forums; the latter have not. This paper reviews issues and arguments raised by the use of fetal tissue in general, but focuses on the implications of the (...)
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    Ethics and law in modern medicine: hypothetical case studies.David M. Vukadinovich - 2001 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Edited by Susan L. Krinsky.
    Machine generated contents note: CHAPTER 1 HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS AND HIV: The Duty To WarnI -- CHAPTER 2 EMERGENCY CARE AND HIV: Treatment Policy and -- Pracice17 -- CHAPTER 3 A REVOLUTIONARY POLICY? Mandatory Disclosure of HIV -- Serostaus29 -- CHAPTER 4 MINORS AND HEALTH CARE: The Limits of Consent and -- Confidentiality39 -- CHAPTER 5 THE RIGHTS TO REFUSE AND DEMAND MEDICAL -- TREATMENT: The Bounds ofAutonomy andFutli{y47 -- CHAPTER 6 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND THE RIGHT TO REFUSE CARE: -- (...)
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  43. Fetal Tissue Update.Dorothy E. Vawter - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (2):3-3.
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    Fetal Tissue Transplantation.Mary B. Mahowald - 1991 - In James M. Humber & Robert F. Almeder (eds.), Bioethics and the Fetus. Humana Press. pp. 103--121.
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  45. Stem Cells, Sex, and Procreation.John Harris - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (4):353-371.
    Sex is not the answer to everything, though young men think it is, but it may be the answer to the intractable debate over the ethics of human embryonic stem cell research. In this paper, I advance one ethical principle that, as yet, has not received the attention its platitudinous character would seem to merit. If found acceptable, this principle would permit the beneficial use of any embryonic or fetal tissue that would, by default, be lost or (...)
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    Recovering Ethics After 'Technics': developing critical text on technolog.Patricia B. Marck - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (1):5-14.
    Much modern science and ethics debate is on high-profile problems such as animal organ transplantation, genetic engineering and fetal tissue research, in discourse that assumes technical tones. Other work, such as narrative ethics, expresses the failed promise of technology in the vivid detail of human experience. However, the essential nature of contemporary technology remains largely opaque to our present ethical lens on health care and on society. The limited controversies of modern science and ethics perpetuate ‘technics’, a (...)
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  47. Who owns embryonic and fetal tissue?Donna Dickenson - 2002 - In Ethical Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Cambridge University Press. pp. 233-244.
    Until very recently the question of who owns embryonic or fetal tissue was of limited importance to clinicians, but advances in stem cell research have made such tissue commercially valuable. This chapter examines the legal and ethical basis of claims to property in embryonic or fetal tissue, taking a critical stance.
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    Dethroning Choice: Analogy, Personhood, and the New Reproductive Technologies.Hilde Lindemann Nelson - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (2):129-135.
    There is something about the debate over reproductive technologies of all kinds—from coerced use of Norplant to trait-selection technologies, to issues surrounding in vitro fertilization, to fetal tissue transplantation—that seems to invite dubious analogies. A Tennessee trial court termed Mary Sue and Junior Davis's frozen embryos “in vitro children” and applied a best-interests standard in awarding “custody” to Mary Sue Davis; the Warnock Committee drew an implicit analogy between human gametes and transplantable organs in its recommendation of (...)
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    The Giving and Taking of Life: Essays Ethical by James Tunstead Burtchaell.Robert Barry - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):733-738.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 733 The Giving and Taking of Life: Essays Ethical. By JAMES TUNSTEAD BURTCHAELL. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1989. xiv + 304 pp. $29.95. One looks forward to the writings of James Burtchaell not only because his judgments are almost always on the side of the angels hut also because his mastery of the English language often enables him to say in a few (...)
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    The Moral Burdens of Biotechnology.Debra R. Hanna - 2009 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 9 (4):671-679.
    Biomedical devices and biotechnological treatments are different types of health intervention. In general, biomedical devices, such as deep brain stimulators implanted for treatment of movement disorders, can help patients without imposing moral burdens. Biotechnological interventions, on the other hand, require the use of biological substances, which are often obtained by the destruction of human life or unusual tampering with it, as in embryonic stem cell research, cloning, and fetal tissue transplantation. Biotechnology imposes a moral burden on patients, (...)
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